
Monday, March 12, 2012

My God is Allah

When i born, I didn’t know who i am. I didn’t know about my new world, Earth. And I forgot that Allah had given me the chance and told me about my next life. I could’t say anything. My mouth felt locked. And then, I could say “mom and pah”, even that’s unclear. I though that they were my new God. They taugh me about everything around me. They accompanied me, when i slept. They guided me when i did something dangerous. They feed me, when i could’t use my hand to hold the food. They wore a weird thing that maked me feel warm. They cleaned my body everyday. And then, when i cried, they force me to laugh.
A few days later, i grew up. But i very surprised! They told me that they were my parents. Mom and Pah. So, who’s my god???!! Where’s him?! Where are they?
--- when i saw them do something weird. They stood and sat down, while saying something. I asked them what they did. But, they not only did’t reply, but also did’t move. I cried. In the last of their moving, i knew that they want everything.
“my son, i am sorry. Mom and pah just pray”, my mom said.
“pray? What’s that?”, i said
“yah, pray unto our God. Allah. Its name sholat,” my father added while smiling.
“ Allah? Who are they??”

My parents laughed, then my mother said smoothly,”haha.. we just have one God. Allah,”
“who’s Allah?”
“Allah is our God. Allah created this world, everything, include created us,”
“ how can it be? We just have one God. Can Allah do it alone??”
My mother could’t say anything to answer my question. Then, my father reply soonly. “my handsome son. Do you know Doni and Dika our neighbour??”
I nod continuously.
“do you still remember when they cried?? Doni wanted to go to the beach. But Dika wanted to go to the hill for their holiday. And then, what do you know??”
“they fough and their holiday was failed,”
“yap. That’s good! It means, if we have more than one God, the world won’t be created!”
“oh, dad. I have one question!”
“yap??? What’s that??”
“where’s Allah? Is Allah in this world? Do you have Allah’s photos? Because i want to know Allah’s face. And i’ll say thank to Allah because Allah has created us!”
“ boy! Ok, let pah answer your question. Allah is in the arsy. Arsy is sky. Allah is in the seventh sky. So, Allah isn’t in this world. But, Allah can see us and look into all his creature. Allah will give us the most beautiful place if we do something good. And Allah will give us the worst place if we do something bad. Dad don’t have Allah’s photos. And no one can see him. We can see Allah after this life. The next life. Allah isn’t like us. Allah is never die. Allah will always arrange our life in this world. 
----- Allahu akbar ------
I want to know more about Allah. I can get it from Al-Qur’an. It makes me so exiiciting!!
He never far away,,
He always show me the way, the right way.

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